Class and Private Training
Cancellation & Waitlist Policy

Class Cancellation Policy:

Defining You Pilates & Fitness respectfully requests a 12 hour cancellation notice for all classes. You will be charged a late cancellation fee with absence or failure to provide the minimum 12 hour notice.  

Cancellations for Classes can be done online on the class schedule sign up, or by calling or emailing the studio at 651-769-5712 or

Private or Semi Private Training Cancellation Policy:

Defining You Pilates & Fitness respectfully requests a 24 hour cancellation notice for all private or semi- private appointments. Members will be charged the full session payment with absence or if the minimum 24 hour notice is not given. 

Cancellations for Private or Semi-Private training can be done by calling or emailing your private trainer.

Waitlist Policy:

Defining You Pilates & Fitness respectfully requests you remove your name from the waitlist 12 hours prior to the start of class if you do not wish to remain on the waitlist and potentially get into the class.

If you get into a class and do not show up, you will be charged as though you attended (see above). 

Thank you for your cooperation! We are committed to making it as easy as possible for you to get into the classes you like and helping you stay healthy and moving!!!